Monday, November 28, 2011

small sunbursts.

Hello lovelies! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday! I really wish Monday was included in the Thanksgiving break—I think everyone would appreciate that. I didn't post all weekend because it was a crazy busy weekend—but the awesome kind of crazy busy. And last night I went to a pretty epic concert which you will be hearing (er, reading) about in the near future. I'm still so excited about it.

This is what I wore on Thanksgiving day; my boyfriend came up to my parents' house (I had gone up a couple days before) and made delicious pumpkin pie (he makes the best pie ever!) and we had a great time. And of course I got him to take outfit photos, heh.

I'm wearing:
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Cameo brooch: vintage, gift from my mom
Belt: eBay
Dress: H&M
Tights: Gap
Shoes: Madden Girl / DSW
Makeup: Almay (eyeliner), Urban Decay (shadows)

I got this lovely dress when Mackenzie & I went shopping—and she got the same dress in cream! You can see how she styled it here (it looks lovely on her!). When I got home on Tuesday by mom surprised me with this gorgeous vintage cameo brooch. It's so unique and detailed, I love it! My mom knows my taste so well. These photos make me realize how long my hair is getting—this is the longest it's been in a very long time and I love it. 

Before I go back to the world of designing for my studio class and the ridiculousness (not the good kind) that is this week, here are a few shots from the past few days:
One of my silly cats. 
Gorgeous day on the back deck.
Fancy mocha at a little coffee shop.
My boyfriend making pie.

Did anyone score some good stuff for Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday? I bought a few things for some friends, but I've been good so far!
Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Color Wheel Challenge Day ...14: Green & blogger date!

Also known as, that time Gina kind of failed as a blogger and doesn't have pictures of two colors in the Color Wheel Challenge. Whoops. Last Friday I took a day off from the challenge because I had an interview, on Saturday I wore this dress and forgot to take any pictures, on Sunday I wore this dress and forgot to take any pictures, on Monday I had another interview so black & white is was, and yesterday I finally wore this dress! I got this dress on the epic thrifting trip—it's actually an Urban Outfitters dress, so of course I was glad I snagged it for $11! One of the buttons came off when I washed it so I even it out but I still have to find one more button.

I'm wearing:
Dress: thrifted
Leggings: Old Navy
Boots: Spotted Moth
Necklace: Crafty Bastards

And that concludes the Color Wheel Challenge!
So I took these photos quickly when I was running out the door to leave school and go home for break. Although at the time I didn't know that meant, oh let me get in the car and sit in traffic in the pouring rain for three hours (twice the time it normally takes). I was not pleased. But now I'm home, so yay! I've already eaten too much pie.

And I'm just going to go ahead and include this in this post—this past Friday, Hannah, Mackenzie, Tania & I met up at Baked & Wired in Georgetown for cupcakes & blog talk! It was a lot of fun, and the cupcakes were deliciousssss. I actually was a good blogger & brought my camera & took photos!
Me! (In my interview outfit.)
me, Mackenzie, & Hannah.
So many cupcakes stashed in the back!
Cool art on the walls.
I love this photo of Mackenzie & Hannah.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Color Wheel Challenge Day 11: Magenta

It's almost Fridaaaaay! And it's also Day 11 of the Color Wheel Challenge! Today was magenta for me!
Again, apologies for the crappy indoor photos. It was FREEZING today. I do not do well with cold.

I'm wearing:
Blouse: Old Navy
Dress: swapped (originally Target)
Tights: DKNY 
Shoes: Cooperative / Urban Outfitters
Belt: Target

I always feel like this dress needs something more, like a collar. Hence, blouse underneath! I really like how it looks with a blouse, although I do need to find new ways to change it up a bit. Oh, and I obvious cannot go more than a few days without wearing these shoes. One of my best purchases ever (and they were on sale!). 

I won't be able to post tomorrow because I have a packed day, but I will try to post on Saturday so I can finish Round 2 of the challenge! 

Also, in case you haven't heard about it yet or missed my post yesterday, please read about the Stop Online Piracy Act and what it could do to the internet. To get involved and sign the petition, visit

Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Color Wheel Challenge Day 10: Pink & peach

Day 10 of the Color Wheel Challenge! Today was pink for me, although my dress is a bit of pink-y peach color. These photos were unfortunately very rushed because I didn't have much time between class and work, and it was also cold and rainy out today so I had to take them inside. The colors in the photos came out rather coral-like, so I could've definitely switched Monday's & today's dresses and it would've worked, but ah well.
I'm wearing:
Dress: ASOS
Shirt: Old Navy
Tights: Urban Outfitters
Belt: Target
Shoes: Madden Girl / DSW

As much as I love this dress, I feel like it fits or looks funny on me. I'm probably imagining/overthinking things, right? I wasn't quite sure how to style this dress differently than when I wore it previously, so I added a belt and a long sleeve shirt underneath (to accomodate the weather), and fancy tights with the wedges. I need to think of new ways to change it up though. Any suggestions?

Fellow Color Wheel Challenge participants Katie did pink today, and Hannah did red (she's restarting with ROYGBIV, a good move). 

Now, if you visited my blog this evening you may have noticed something different. Today is "American Censorship Day," which is to raise awareness about the Stop Online Piracy Act that Congress is considering. I encourage you all to read more about the act here, and why many big Internet companies are opposing it. This bill would have an extremely negative impact on sites like Tumblr and Facebook, and would change the Internet as we know it. Find out more at and sign the petition!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Color Wheel Challenge Day 9: Red riding hood

Happy Mondaaaaay! Okay, so, I'm cheating a little. I wore this outfit & took these pictures last Friday. But it's still red! And I wore the same jacket & boots today, just a different dress (this one, actually). Don't sue me.

I'm wearing:
Jacket: BB Dakota via Fancy French Cologne
Shirt: BDG / Urban Outfitters
Dress: made by me
Belt: Oasis
Tights: Topshop
Boots: Spotted Moth
Scarf: Urban Outfitters
Necklaces: Urban Outfitters, Mayhem Fest vendor

I'm actually really pleased with how these pictures came out. I took them by myself, and it was really cold and windy out but I actually had fun taking these. 

Red is making a comeback as my favorite color (although it really never left). Also, how badass is that skull bracelet? I love it sooo much. As soon as I saw it at Pretty People, I knew I had to have it. Oh, and I'm totally obsessed with pairing these tights & this jacket & this dress together. I have a problem. 

My blogger BFF Katie did purple today! And I took her photos, yay! 
Let me know if you're participating in the Color Wheel Challenge!
