I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point pinafores made a bit of a comeback. They have a ton of different names: jumper, skirtall, etc., but lately I've been all about them.

Bonus Gizmo appearance.

What I'm wearing:
Pinafore: Hell Bunny via Poshmark
Turtleneck: H&M
Boots: Target
Necklace: J.Crew via eBay
I almost bought this pinafore new from Hell Bunny, but then I found one in my size, new with tags, on Poshmark! There are so many pieces of clothing that are new with tags (or new without tags) on secondhand sites like Poshmark and Thredup, so I've been trying to go there first when I'm looking for something specific.
Speaking of finding things secondhand, I had coveted this necklace ever since Adina from Blue Collar Red Lipstick wore it and after some ebay sleuthing, I found it and snagged it! It was more than I'd usually pay for a necklace, but it was the only listing, and it's a very unique and well made piece. So expect to see it a lot more as I get my money's worth!
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