Oh hi—long time no post, eh? I knew I hadn't blogged in a long time, but I didn't realize it had been almost two months. I honestly don't know where the second half of February went, then my husband & I took a trip out to California to spend time with my West Coast family for a week, and then not long after we got back, my grandfather's health took a turn for the worst, and so I took a couple trips up to New York—once to see him before it was too late (which I'm so glad I did), and one to lay him to rest and spend time with my East Coast family.
So, some good things happened—great trip to California, I got promoted at work—and some really difficult things happened—my grandfather passed away. It's been a mixed bag, but I've barely had time to take any time for myself and thus blogging took a major backseat. So far back that I kind of forgot about it for a while.
In an effort to regain one of my creative outlets, I decided I didn't want to just let this blog fade away (plus, I've been keeping it going for so long now). I don't have as much time to take outfit photos as I used to (mainly due to my work & workout schedule), so the content is going to be a bit more varied, like it has been the past few months.
So, that's what I've been up to for the past two months. Regular posts will resume this week, but for now I'll leave you with my favorite song of the past month:
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