I've spent this evening so far drinking homemade iced coffee and watching Waiting for God (and old British comedy, which is wonderful & hilarious) while spending some quality time with our cat, Mungo. We had to take him to the vet today because he wasn't eating or drinking yesterday, he was really lethargic, and we could tell something was wrong. Turns out there was a huge abscess by his tail that even made walking painful for him. But now he's all taken care of (although he has to wear a collar which he hates) and should be totally fine in a couple days! I'm so relieved, and so glad we got him into the vet so soon. He's older (8-9 years) so whenever he acts weird I get really worried.
Anyways, outfit post! This is what I wore on a Friday a week or two ago, to work and then out to my friend's birthday dinner.
I'm wearing:
Shirt: Old Navy
Dress: Madewell, gift from my mom
Wedges: Blowfish
Necklace: QuarterLife (now Beltway Vintage)
Earrings: handmade, gift from a friend
Yes, my earrings are TARDIS' (TARDII?)! One of my good friends from England sent them to me—aren't they awesome?! Which reminds me, I'm like four seasons behind on Doctor Who right now, so no spoilers plz.
It's almost Friday, huzzah! My fiance (sounds so fancy!) & I are going to look at our first choice wedding venue this weekend, and maybe finally relaxing a bit—I can't wait!

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